Monday, December 8, 2008

» Unreal-Stealth Public v2.0

File}{ Unreal-Stealth Public v2 }{ VacEdition }{ Created By UmmBop }{

Added NoSmoke, New font, TriggerBot, Rifle/Pistol Switch. Fixed ESP. Change Console Message...


Trigger - 1 = Slow shooting when you put your mouse over an enemy


Distance - 1 = Draws distance of all players
Frozen - 1 = Draws text if players are frozen
Weapon - 1 = Draws text about what weapon a player is using
Reload - 1 = Draws text if players are reloading
Target - Draws a line to players, 1 = Enemies, 2 = Team Mates and 3 = All Players
Barrel - 1 = Draws a solid beam from players weapon
Cross - 1 or 2 = Draws a cross on players, small or large
Name - 0 too 12(length of name) =Draws players name on them
Ping - 1 = Draws players ping on them
Item - 1 = Draws text on items
Line - 1 = Draws a line on players
Box - 1 or 2 = Draws a box on players, small or large
Font - 1 = Changes esp's with text to a different font


Hack - 1 = Makes players visible through walls
Cool - 1 = Inverted wall colors


No Flash - 1 = Removes white screen when flashed
No Smoke - 1 = Removes smoke clouds
No Sky - 1 = Removes the sky


Menu X - -9999 too +9999 = Move menu left/right
Menu Y - -9999 too +9999 = Move menu up/down
Menu Color - 1 or 2 = Different menu color
Hud Color - 1, 2, 3 = Add's color to the hud
Crosshair - 1, 2, 3 = Draws a crosshair at the centre on the screen


Rifle Switch - 1 = Will switch to pistol when out of bullets
Pistol Switch - 1 = Will switch to rifle when out of bullets


Save Settings - 1 = Will save settings too StealthVars.ini
Load Settings - 1 = Will load settings from StealthVars.ini

}{ Unreal-Stealth Public v2 }{ VacEdition }{ Created By UmmBop }{

How To Load

Read The Readme File Please


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